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One Week Into NaNo!

Well, folks, we're a week into November, which is National Novel Writing Month. How are YOU doing? I must say I'm pleasantly surprised and excited with how well it's been going over here! I've really put my nose to the grindstone and worked. And it's working! So much writing done. I'm so excited.

In fact, I'm at 26,294 words already and I've finished TWO projects today. Which means I can start on my NaNo project, right??


Life as a writer is hilarious. Sometimes things don't go as planned, and this NaNo seems to be one of those things. I've just had an idea for a short story I can add to this series, so I'm going to focus on that (and even try to write the whole thing tomorrow, in one day, since I plotted it and everything already) right now.

We'll see how that goes, and I'll update you later. But, for now, I wanted to say hi, check in, and celebrate how awesome this NaNo is going. I'm REALLY excited to dive into my NaNo project though, so I can't wait! It's something I started a while back and left alone to write my other series, which will (hopefully...if life doesn't get funny again) be over once I'm done with this short story. I'm thinking 10K, but I'm not known for knowing how long my work will be. :) Tell me all about your NaNo! The good, the bad, the ugly--I want to hear it.

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