Week 2 of NaNoWriMo
Okay. How cute is that? Seriously. A nano rhino. I can't! ;)
Alright. Back to it. This week has been...interesting. It's post-election week, and my writing took a bit of a hit. My focus did, which is why my writing did. But I'm here to put that behind me! Time to move on. I need 7873 more words to win NaNo, and I can totally smash that out. I'm even officially starting my actual NaNo project! Which I hope to hit 50K in (I have 11K from when I started before) by the end of November. As long as I focus and work, I can do it! Yeah!
This project is going to be so fun. So, tomorrow, I'm going to read through what I have and take lots of notes so I can move forward with it. I have a lot of started manuscripts I'll be finishing before starting too many of the new ideas I have. And I also want to write another one of my super-sexy 4K shorts this week too. Wish me luck! <3
How are YOU doing? Is it going well for you? I hope so. :)