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I Won NaNoWriMo!

I could have won on day 12 if I'd pushed for those words. But everything always works out the way it should. So I finished last night when I finally got a handle on my actual NaNo project. I was still in the middle of a project when NaNo started, and then I thought of a new one I needed to write before I started my next one. Which happens to be a book I started writing in April of 2015. And I needed some time to reread and get reacquainted with these characters. This one, unlike my others, is told in single POV, and she's rather spunky. So this one is going to be fun!

Though I did have some trouble getting back to it. The premise sounded fun and entertaining, but I had no idea what would keep them apart for the rest of the book until they got together. It took hours (!!!) to finally figure out their whole plan. I firmly believe that I don't come up with these stories. They come to me. And Ellie and her gang were being stubborn. But it will be worth it! I'm feeling much better about how this one will unfold, and I hope to finish it before the end of NaNo, actually. Wish me luck!

What about you? How's NaNo going? I hope you're enjoying yourself. I'm over here rooting for you!

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